Electrical Panel Design Software
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LT Electrical Panel Estimator
LT Electrical Panel Design Software
LT Electrical Panel Design Software, Panel Board Design Software, LT Panel Design, Control Panel Design Tool, Electrical Panel Board Designer, Feeder Pillar Design Software, PLC Control Panel Design, Electrical Panel Estimation Tool, LT Panel Dimensions Calculations, Motor Control Center - MCC, Power Control Centre - PCC, Distribution Board Design - DB Design, Outdoor Panel Board Design, Industrial Panel Board Design, Process Control Panels, Machine Automation Panel, PLC Automation Panel, Electrical Control Panel Design Software, Control Panel Design Software - A Very Useful Design Tool

Unique Features:
Auto Generated

  • Internal & External GA
  • BOM, Estimation & Costing
  • SLD & Control Circuit Diagram
  • Busbar Weight & Costing
  • MS Sheet Weight & Costing
  • Control & Power Cable Size Calculation
  • Cable Costing

    And Finally
  • Auto Generated Quotation

    Supported By
    Integarted DataBase of Top 20 Brands Like
    L&T, Siemens, ABB, AE, Schnedier, HPL, C&S...
    That can be upgraded/edited anytime by the User

Buy This Software Tool & Design Your Panels

Buy Our Standard Package or
Get A Customized Solution As Per Your Needs
Now design your electrical panel boards instantely and get GA Drawings, BOM, Estimation & Costing, Bus Bar Details, Fabrication Drawings, SLD - Single Line Diagram, Client Offer/Quotation. Comes with integrated  ERP  & Store Management Module (Optional). Latest Feature Added - Design your electrical panels like PCC, MCC - DOL Starter, Star Delta Starter, VFD based Starters, APFC Panels in auto mode. LT Electrical Panel Design Software - A key design tool for every panel builder, electrical design engineer, electrical consultant.

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Design Any Type of MCC - DOL Starter Panel, Star Delta Starter Panel, VFD  Starter Starter Panel With LT Panel Estimator Tool
LT Electrical Panel Design Software Tool
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PCC Panel With Canopy With 2 x Incommers & Coupler
Auto Generated Internal GA

APFC Panel - 300 KVAR Capacity
Auto Generated Internal GA

Auto Generated Power & Control Circuit for APFC Panel
with 4 Step APFC Relay

APFC Panel & MCC - DOL Starter x 3 nos and Star Delts Starter x 3 nos
Auto Calcuated BusBar Weight & BusBar Cost

Insert BusBars in Front View & Back View
Auto Calcuated BusBar Weight & BusBar Cost
Buy Now
1 LT Electrical Panel Design Software
       Approx. Cost @ USD 400 per licese
Single License @ Rs.27,500/- + GST @18%  (Rs.32,450/-)
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Inside View of Panel Without Doorsth options to modify feeder size by changing clearances
- Left & Right, Top & Bottom, Front & Back

Back Side & Bottom of Panel WIth Louvers, Lifting Hooks,
Door Lock & Cable Entry Cut-Outs at the Bottom

BusBar, Risers & Links Design Interface.
Add busbars in front panel view and back panel view.
Automatically calculates the busbar weight and costing
More Images of busbar design to be added soon...

Auto Generated BOM/BOQ
Consolidated Report, Expanded Report & Feeder Wise Report Generated
Displays BOM, Sheet Metal Cost, Cable Cost, Busbar Cost & Panel Items

Auto Generated Estimation & Costing Sheet
This is linked with the Component Library to get prices
of each component inserted in the panel.
Generate Client Offer/Quotation for single a multiple panels.

Production/Fabrication Data/Drawing For Every Component
Like - doors, risers, cable allay, main frame angle, base frame.
MS Sheet Baseframe and angle legs for feeder pillar panels

Embedded Component Library Management Tool
Add/Edit/Delete components & details
Manage Your Private Library

Client Data Management Tool
Manage Your Clients Data Base To Send Drawings, BOM, Quotation, SLD

More About The  LT Panel Board Estimator
An Electrical Panel Design Software
  1. You can add upto a maximum of 10 feeders/chambers per column and upto 5 columns per panel per sheet/Array. Total number of columns to be increased to 10 later on.

  2. The software tool has integrated component library of more than 15000 items panel components (Switchgears & Accessories). 20 Component libraries included of top level companies like - AE, L&T, Siemens, ABB, HPL, C&S, Scheinder, AE, Legrand, Allen Bradley many more...

  3. Edit/Modify component price, discount, manufacturing cost and tax anytime. Add your own libraries.

  4. Add switchgears and accessories from the integrated library to your design. You can select the component from the library and add to your design.

  5. You can select components - switchgear or accessory from the integrated inbuilt library and add to the feeder(s). Automatic placement of switchgear(s) in the feeder/chamber. Auto-generated and centered accessory door cut-outs

  6. Add multiple switchgears - MCB/MCCB in multi rows in a feeder/chamber. Add single or multiple accessories like indicators, meters, push buttons...

  7. Add multiple accessories  like indicators, meters, push buttons, VSS, ASS, SS in multi rows to design a controln-in">l panel. You get auto generated door cut-out details of all the accessories.

  8. Still you can edit/modify your design at any stage and any time - add/remove switchgears & accessories for any change.

  9. You can add Riser and Cable Allays in between the columns as required. Set width of riser(s) and cable allay(s) as required and desired.

  10. Add door knobs & door locks, lifting hooks, louvers, earthing point, name plate. Hide & display as required.

  11. Add top bus bar chamber, middle bus bar chamber and bottom bus chamber, add base frame to your panel, if required. Hide/remove anything you wish to.

  12. Auto height and depth of synchronization of panel columns with the press of a button.

  13. Modify clearances, size of feeder/chamber any time. Copy clearances of one feeder and paste the same clearances to other feeders to make them same size feeders.

  14. Insert/remove doors, split doors into two pieces, color your panel with desired color

  15. You get an auto generated internal & external GA of the panel, front and back view of panel, BOM, Estimation - Costing Sheet, Bus Bar Details, Fabrication Details, SLD - Single Line Diagram.

  16. Print all above drawings and reports through your printer directly or generate PDFs to send to your clients.

  17. Add bus bars - vertical & horizontal in front and pack of your panel. Main Bus Bar, Risers and Link size is calculated automatically but still you have the option to choose your desired rating and size of bus bar. Option available to all single, double, TP and TPN busbars.

  18. Modify and change the design any time, delete a feeder/chamber, move a feeder/chamber up & down, add/remove components any time, change size of the feeder any time.

  19. Get fast approvals by sending your design file to your design department, fabrication department, client for review and approval (they must have software installed at their end)

  20. Save data in Template so that you can save your feeder data for use in the next designs.

    New Additions:
  21. Multiple Switchgear: Add multiple switchgears in a  feeder. Place the switchgears in multiple lines in a feeder. You can set horizontal gapes and vertical gap between two switchgears, edit their left and top position. This is a very unique feature of the LT Electrical Panel Board Design Software Solution.

  22. Formatting: Auto Center Align: Now swithchgears and accessorier are placed and aligned inside  a feeder automatically centrally aligned.

  23. Multiple Panel Design Options: Now design your small domestic/commercial DBs, PCC - Power Control Centre, MCC - Motor Control Center,  APFC Panel, Desktop Panel, Control Panel with LT Electrical Panel Design Software Package.

  24. Generate Client OFFER/QUOTATION
    Now generate client offer and quotation of single/multiple panels on a single sheet. Multiple - Panel project and with offer/quotation.
More Sample Designs of Panels

Panel with Main Bus Bar Chamber in the Middle of Panel
Busbar tool added to easily add and display bus bars in
front and back view of panel

Back Side View of above panel showing back cover, louvers, lifting hooks

An Automation Control Panel Design with multi rows of
meters and displays

Circuit Design WIth Circuit Pro Module (Add On Module)
Showing Star - Delta Starter

Base Plate Design WIth Circuit-Pro (Add On Module)
Design Any Circuit Plate like - Starters, Automation Panel Plates,
PLC Plates, Power Factor Improvement Panel Plate or any othe plate using inbuilt Electrical Symbol Library
Move the component on the plate to reposition on the plate.

Base Plate design wIth vertical bus bars (Add On Module)Module)
Design any circuit plate and import it in the Feeder(s) of your main panel.
Design any automation panel using contactors, PLCs, Timers, Relays.
All busbars on the mounting palte

More than 100 common Electrical Symbols supplied with the
software (Addon Modue). Create your own electrical symbols with
"Electrical Symbol Creator Tool" - An Embedded Free Tool
An easy way to design your electrical circuits

Design power control Feeder Pillar Panels,
Automation Feeder Pillar Panels for any application.
Add base MS angle legs and louvers
Buy Now
1 LT Electrical Panel Design Software
       Approx. Cost @ USD 400 per licese
Single License @ 27,500/- + GST @18%   (R32,450/-)
2 Circuit Pro - An Electrical Circuit Draw Tool
Module Code: CPRoN05
Single License @ Rs.37,500/- + GST @18%  (Rs44,250/-)

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Hire Us
To Design Your Panels & Circuits

Softbitonline has started panel design services for you on chargeable basis.  Send us your requirements and our expert team will design a panel board best suitable for your requiements. As we are well equipped with a powerful electrical panel board design software and we use the same software to design your anytype of panels like - PCC - Power Control Centers, MCC - Motor Control Center, Outdoor Feeder Pillar Panels, PLC Pased Control Panells, Desktype Control Panels or any type of electrical panel required by you for any type of commercial, industrial and residencial application.

You  can provide us components deatils & specifications to be used in the electrical panel board design. Otherwise, we can also help you to provide these details.

We provide you detailed GA drawing of the panel in PDF (B&W and Colored), BOQ/BOM in MS Excel Formate, Estimation & Costing in MS Excel Formate, Bus Bar Calculations in PDF, Fabrication Drawings of Doors with Cut-Out display with sizes & location on the door in PDF, SLD - Single Line Diagram inn PDF.
All the drawings and detailswould be computer generated.

You provide us your company logo and address to be printed on all drawings and output data sheets. Also you can proved your client details if you wish the same is to be printed on the drawings and data sheets. This way you get the output of the design as your own designed and personalised.

We provide two modifications and revisions in the panel design from the first data submitted to you through email. Additional modifications/revisions are on chargeable basis.

We start with a minimum charge of INR 500/- (USD 10) + GST @18%  for our Normal Service with a maximum design component quantity 25.
Premium service is charged at INR 1500/- (USD 30) + GST @18% with a maximum design component quantity 25.

More design components more than 25 we provide you separate offer. 

How To Use The Electrical Panel Estimator Tool: these symbols when ever you need.   ver you need.  

How To Use The Electrical Panel Estimator Tool:
Run your software and go to File menu on the top. Click New and a form opens which allows you to select various options to design your electrical control panel board. You can select here main bus bar chamber location - top or bottom, type of electrical control panel to be designed - Power Control Center or PCC, Motor Control Center or MCC, Feeder Pillar Panel for outdoor installation, control panel for PLC based panel to be used in industrial machine control, DB or Small DB Design for lighting control of residencial buildings, commercial buildings and offices. Once you have selected the required option press "Submit". Keep in mind that all the properties like main bus bar location, type of bus bar - Cu/Al, height of base frame, type of panel base frame can be modified later on also.

Feeder Location ID
Now the Panel Design Canvas is ready to accept your inputs to draw a panel. Just follow the YouTube or video tutorials to add empty chambers /feeders in the panel. You can add maximum 10 chambers or feeders in one column. And you can add maximum 5 column in a panel. By default the very first column added in the design is called Feeder Location - "11" and feeders chambers added above "11" are called Feeder Location "12" and Feeder Location "13". Here, the first digit represents the column number and second digit represents the location of the feeder or chamber in the column. "11" means very first bottom feeder or chamber, "12" means second chamber or feeder above "11", "13" means third chamber/feeder above "12"  and so on for other feeders or chambers in first column. Same applies to other columns also. Feeder Location "24" means second column and fourth chamber or feeder. Use the LT Electrical Panel Design Software Tool for any type of electrical panel design and manufacturing. Very powerful panel design tool for elctrical

Type of Components
Once you have added the chambers in the columns you can insert the components now. There are two main catagories of electrical components viz - Switchgears and Accessories. Types like ACB, MCCB, MCB, COS, Contactor, SFU, Isolator, Drives all come under Switchgears. All Indicators, Voltmeter, Ammeters, Frequency Meters, Power Factor Meters, KW Meters, Energy Meter, Digital Meter, Ammeter Selector Switches, Voltmeter Selectror Switches, Terminal Plocks, Connectors, Push Buttons, Push Button Elements, Fuses, Neutral Links, Door Locks, Door Knobs, Door Hinges, Door Handles, Gaskets, All Timers, Any Type of Relays, Power Supplies, All Electronic Devices, Data Loggers, GPRS RTUs or anything that is being used (except switchgears items mentioned above) come in the Accessory Catagory. The LT Control Panel Board Design Software Tool has separate catagories for MS Sheets, Bus Bars, Control Cables, Power Cables. You can use the software tool to design any type of Power Control Center - PCC, Motor Control Center - MCC, Distribution Panel Board for lighting applications, Feeder Pillar Panels for outdoor installations, PLC based Control Panels for Industrial automation and process control.

Insert Components
Now you can insert components in the empty chambers and in your electrical panel design canvas. To insert a component say, a switchgear or an accessory, first click insidethe chamber in which you want to insert a component. It gets selected, then right click inside the chamber and you see a menu list to choose an item. Select "Insert Switchgear". You see a Component Library bar at the bottor of the software window appears. You can easily read on right side "Component Library". On right side of this you see an upward arrow. Click upon that arrow and the Component Library expands up side. You have three drop down menus, select "Insert Switchgear" or "Insert Accessory", Type of Components and third one Library Names available in the software package. By default you get 20 top brand libraries with the LT Electrical Control Panel Board Design Software Tool. You can select the desired library from the third dropdown menu. You see row wise components details those are available in that library. Choose your desired component and click any where on the that row which have your desired component. Better you practice to click upon the "Model" number (or Catalog n uumber) of the component. One click upon the Model number means the component has been added in the chamber. Similarly, you can add more components and Accesssory items in the chamber. So the PLC Control Panel Design Software comes with a ready made library to use.  

About Component Library
You can use Library Management Tool to add new libraries, new components in the existing libraries, modify data/properties of existing comonents already added in a library, delete a component from a library.  So you are given full control over the component libraries to maintain it as per your requirements. In the existing LT Electrical Control Panel Design Software Tool there are top 20 libraries of branded component manufcaturers like ABB, AE, C&S, HCL, HPL, L&T, Siemens, Schneider, BCH, Kalinga, Tata, MMTC, SAIL, KayCee and so. You can extend these libraries to any extent and use in your electrical panel designs as much as you can. We have already added MS Sheet of various thickness and SWG under a library. Similarly, you will find MS Angles and MS C-Sections of various sizes and configurations in the library. Bus Bar sections of various cross sections are also added for your benefit and convenience. 

Feeder Properties
You can set the default value of all the clearances inside the feeder or chamber. So when you add empty feeders it gets drawn taking into calculations the width + Left Clearance & Right Clearance, Height + Top Clearances + Bottom Clearance, Depth + Front Clearance + Back Clearance. The Feeder Width, Height & Depth can also be set as default but can be changed any time though these get modified when we insert a switchgear in the panel design sheet. The LT Electrical Panel Board Design Software has feature to change any dimension any time. Apart from this there is a "Feeder Property" window which helps you to remove a Swithchgear from a feeder to enable you to make it empty or add another switchgear. It also helps you to remove accessories, if required. You can also designate a switchgear as Coupler, Incomer or Outgoing which is required to calculate the Main Bus Bar size. 

Auto-Height Set
While designing an Electrical Control Panel we add feeders in columns and then insert switchgears. The switchgears may be of same type or different makes and types. So these may vary in dimensions. When we insert a switchgear in a feeder or empty chamber the chamber re sizes itself with the dimensions of switchgear & clearances. This affects the height of each column. If the switchgears are of same type and same dimensions then height of each column would be same. But if the inserted switchgears are of different types, makes and with different dimensions then the height of each column would be different. The Electrical Control Panel Design Software is well set to equalize the height of each column same. We can use the "Auto Height Set" option to set the height of each column eqaul and similar to the column with maximum height.

General - Promo
Electrical Panel Design Software is a powerful tool for electrical engineers, electrical consultants, LT electrical panel board builders, PLC control panel design associates. One can use any type of Electrical Panel Board using Softbit Electrical Panel Design Software. This software in all in one package having built in Electrical Control Panel Design, Electrical Circuit Design, Electrical Symbol Design and ERP - Store Management facility. Our Electrical Panel Design Software has built in electrical component library of top 20 manufacturers with all types of switchgears, accessories, MS Sheet Data, MS Channel Data, MS Angle Data, Al Bus Bar Data, Cu Bus Bar Data. One can update the library  with more libraries of other makes, components etc.,. You can instantly get GA drawing, Estimation & Costing, SLD, MS Sheet details, Bus Bar Calculations with  Electrical Panel Design Software. A must try tool.

You can save all the components i.e.,. accessories of a feeder/chamber as a Template so that you can use the same template in your other panel desings. Its very simple just finish your feeder/chamber by adding the accessories like indicators, meters, VSS, push buttons and save all these accessories/components in the template by giving a name to this group of components. Using this feature of Electrical Panel Design Software you can add all these group components in any other electrical panel design. This saves your lot of time for inserting, opening the libaray and selecting a required component and adding to the design. This is a very unique feature of Softbit Electrical Control Panel Design Software.

Design Electrical Circuit
The LV Electrical Panel Estimator is well loaded with an electrical circuit design tool. You can design any type of electrical circuit using in built electrical symbol library. You can also create your own electrical symbols. You can draw star delta starter, DOL starter, power factor improvement circuit, inching circuit or any other required electrical circuit. You can draw single or multiple lines in one stroke, select an insert electrical symbols, add jointing circles, add line numbers. Here, you can connect with the component library to attach specifications to the added electrical components. Like if you have inserted a contactor from the electrical symbol library and want to convert or use this contactor as Siemens contactor, simply connect with the component library, select your electrical symbol from the drop down menu (here it is contactor), search the library and select the required specifications from the data base to convert your contactor into that particular Simens's contactor with given catalog number/part number. Similarly if you want to make it a L&T contactor instead of Siemens then search the L&T component library and attache the required data row with your contator. So you can attach any brand specifications to the inserted electrical symbol. This is one of the versatile features of the LT Electrical Panel Design SOftware.

How To Insert Electrical Symbols
Click first top right dropdown menu to select a catagory like Ammeter, Contactor, Indicator, push-button etc.,. and you will see the electrical symbols available in that particular selected catagory. Now click upon tis second drop down menu and select a electrical symbol name and press "Insert". The symbol would be added in the circuit zone on top right green corner. This zone is called "Circuit Bucket" and is with pale green back groud. The symbol inserted does not have any property associated with it or you can say it is not associated with any brand or catalog/part number. You need to "Connet With Libray" to attach properties to this symbol or associate this symbol to a brand and catalog/part number. The Electrcal sybol added can be dragged on circuit zone to required position to complete the circuit. This is how you insert electrical symbols in LT Electrical Panel Design Software Tool. 

LT Panel Design Software can be  used to design distribution panels for colleges, schools, hospitals, hotels, industries, commercial buildings, office complexes, theaters, airports, railway stations. You can design LT distribution boards, power control centers, motor control centers, desk type control panels, PLC Control Panels, Industrial Process Control Panels With LT Panel Design Software you can instant out data like GA drawings, BOM/BOQ, estimation & costing, Single Line Diagram, Draw Electrical Circuits, Design Electricla Symbols, Electrical Component Library update using Library Management In Built Tool. A very powerful  tool to design all types of electrical panels. 

LT Electrical Panel Design Software is best suitable panel design tool for electrical panel builders, electrical panel board manufacturers, electrical consultants, town plannes, govt departments engagged in tendering processes, MNCs, purchase departments of corporate industries. This design tool is also very useful for engineering students, professionals in electrical consultancy, architects. They can draw and design the panels instantly for estimation and quoting purpose. The LT Electrical Panel Design Software tool finds its utility in any big project where  lots of main and distribution panels are required to connect the different sections of the plant and building with the main panel. The design departmnet can design the panels in house and instantly as per requirement. Editing & modification in design can be done at any stage. Estimation sheet gives an instant idea of total cost of panel required. This helps you by comparing the prices submitted by the vendors and panel manufacturers. You can compare the prices and specification before placing an order to a vendor. So LT Electrical Panel Design Software is a very helpful tool in the industry.

Builders can use the LT Electrical Panel Design Software to design small distribution boards, DBs, main panels. Use the switchgears in the library or add new library using Library Management Tool. You can instant costing, dimensions of the distribution board for client approval. Take printout or send the DB design in PDF formate through email to your client. So best design tool for civil engoneers and builders. You can access it using a web browser. Therefore, monitoring and control can be done from any location. This GPRS/GSM based logical controller and web-based SCADA system cut the maintenance costs and increases the device’s uptime.

You can design PCC, MCC, DBs, PLC Based Automation Panels, Base Plate with components. SO you can design almost any type of electrical panel board for industrial applications,commercial & domestic appications. Key key design tool for electrical consultants, design engineers, electrical panel board manufacturers. Component Library containing data of top 20 Switchgear/Accessory manufacturers like - ABB, AE, EE, L&T, C&S, HPL, SIEMENS, SCHENIEDER, RISHAB, LEGRAND and more. Add more libraries (manufacturers) as per your requirements. Maintain your private library or download fresh component data from. Softbit online database.

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