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LT Electrical Panel Design

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Electrical Panel Estimator is  a very power Electrical Panel Design Sfftware Tool. You can install it on your laptop or PC and use it offline anytime and any where.

The tool is powered with a component data base library with more than 15000 items loaded and can be used to design any type of electrical panels. The library has top 20 manufacturers data base. You can add more libraries as per your requirements. You can modify tthe properties of any component any time. Component Library Interface is provided to helpyou to create a new library, modify the values of a component, delete a component.

You will also find Al & Cu Bus Bar sections for use in the panel design. Now LT Electrical Panel Design Software gives access to add bus bars in panel front view and in panel back view. Add horizontal, vertical and zigzag busbars. Manage busbar width v/s thickness.

MS Sheet of various thicknessb and MS Channels of different sizes as well MS Angles of different sizes are also added to make it convinient for you to desig your panle body, base frame and bus bar section of any rating. Now add angle baseframe at the bottom. Updated version of LT Electrical Panel Design Software is featured with this addition.

You ca start with adding empty feeders to give shape and design to your panel. Thereafter you can insert the swithgears and accessories from the component library. You can select the component based upon the manufacturer/make and its current rating. Once you add the switchgear, the panel starts calculating the dimensions. But you can reset the panel dismensions and size to suit your client's requirements. Now you can copy dimensions of one feeder and paste those value into another feeder to make it same size as first. This feature of LT Electrical Panel Design Software saves lot of time.

Once the component has been added you can specify the swithgear as incomer or outgoing feeder to allow the panel tool to calculate the bus bar size. The riser size is calculated automatically based upon the number and rating of switchgears in a column. Bus bar links are calculated as per the rating of the individual switchgear.chematic Circuit Design Tool. .

Now comes the Riser and Cabe Allay.You can add Risers and Cable Allay of both sides of a column as per your desig requirements. Size/width of the riser and cable allay can be set as desired according to your design requirements.

Finally you can paint your panel doors, bus bar chamber, base frame, riser and cable allay by choosing your desired color.You pain them with the same color or a different color for each section.

Now design your feeder pillar panels with updated version of the LT Electrical Panel Board Design Software Tool. Add canopy on the top. Adjust canopy height as required. Add angle legs at the bottom.

Get instant Offer/Quotation for your client now. Go to "Estimate". Click the button on top to generate offer/quotation. This feature of the LT Electrical Panel Design Software more useful and user friendly
Once everything is done you can generate GA drawig, bill of material, bill of quantity, estimation & costing sheet. Export the data in Crystal Report foramate or MS Excel Sheets. You can take direct pritouts of the GA drawing, autogenerated SLD, bus bar details, fabrication drawings of all components.details, fabrication drawings of all components.

To know more about LT Electrical Panel Design Software Click Here...
Design you electrical and mechanical symbols yourself. Though we give you commonly used electrical symbols with the software but stll if you need to add more symbols to your libarray then design your electrical & mechanical symbol  yourself with the Electrical Symbol Pro tool.

This is a very useful tool and you can design your symbols for door mounting, plate mounting, external mounting and save them in the embedded library for repeat use in multiple circuit designs.

The electrical symbols are designed using the basic shapes linke lines, rectangle, circle, triangle, arc, pie, text so you can design a symbol of any type and shape & design. If you are having multiple licenses of the software in your organization then just design the electrical symbol on one machine and use export & import feature to add the same symbol to other machines.

The elextrical symbols can be editedand modified any time and as many times as you need. Thses symbols are used in electrical schematic circuit draw and in SLD draw. In the neart future we are working on three dimensinal symbols so that you can design a symbol in such a way that it can be used in front view, side view and top view, simultaneously.

Tutorial Videos of Electrical Symbol Creator Tool Navigation buttons Introduction - LT Electrical Panel Design Solution
ERP sulotion is a Store Management Tool. You can maintain your store updated using the ERP Tool. You can maintain your client records, vendor records. For clients you can generate and maintain delivery challans and invoices with complete record of all the orders, invoices and delivery challans.

While dealing with your vendors you can maintain the record of items being supplied by a vendor, short supplies, order placement and follow-ups in auto and manuual mode. The vendor input detail interface enables you to record all the details of the vendor incuding TAX/GST number, PAN details, address and contact details.

Once your store input revords are added, you can check the store details on spread sheets displaying all the items with quantity, date of receipt, date of consumption or use, date of order placement, date of receipt of store material and many more.

As it being specially developed for Electrical Panel manufacture industry so whatever electricl power panel, distribution panel, control panel or feeder pillar panel you design and manufacture, the store database is updated automatically. You are intimated for short supplies in the store for a project under production. This enables you to arrange the material immediately required for the project.

Once the project panel is ready, you can generate the despatch documentaion such as delivery challan, invoice etc.,

Report sheets in MS Excel can be generated for review and meetings, sedning particular details to respective vendors and clients.

Records of clients and vendors can be modified anytime and new records added.

Tutorial Videos of ERP Solution Navigation buttons Introduction - LT Electrical Panel Design Solution


Now LT Electrical Panel Estimator generates G-Code Program for CNC machines to cut panel doors and its cut outs to mae your production fast and accurate. No hasseles of mannual cutting.

Tutorial Videos of G-Code Program Navigation buttons Introduction - LT Electrical Panel Design Solution

LT Electrical Panel Design Software @ Rs. 27,500/-  Per License + GST @ 18%  (Rs.32,450/-)
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Electrical panel boards are used every where in residencial complexes, commercial buildings, industries, power generation units, water treament plants every where where electricity is being used we need electrical control panel boards to control and regulate the flow of electricity in the elctrical circuits. This way we control lighting system, power machinery, motor control centers, production lines etc.,. So thers is  a huge installation electrical control panels all over in the world. The electrical panels can be LT/LV or HT/HV depending upon the system requirements. For new upcoming plants and industries we neen LT electrical power panel boards and LT electrical control panels.

Softbit Designs, New Delhi has developed LT Electrical Control Panel Board Design Software to design any type of electrical control panels. This LT Electrical Panel Board Design Software is a key tool for electrical consultants, electrical panel board manufacturers,  technical training institutes, engineering students. Using this LT Electrical Control Panel Design Software you can design Power Control Center - PCC, Motor Control Centre - MCC, Feeder Pillar Panels for outdoor installations, PLC Control Panels for industrial automation, Distribution Boards - Small DBs for lighting applications.

The software tool is very friendly and can be learnt easily. We have upoladed a number of tutorial videoson YouTube for your help. To begin a new design you can first add empty chambers or feeders in columns. Then insert the switchgears and accesories in the chambers. Our LT electrical control panel board design software is very user friendly. The library shows you all the details and properties of components so that you can select a right component of your choice and design requirement. The library has a Library Management Interface whhich can be used to add new library, add new components, modify the properties of previously added components.

Once you have added the components in the panel design sheet you can now tag the switchgears as incomer and ourgoing. By default all the coponents are tagged as outgoing or SLD1. This is required to tell software how many circuits are there in the panel design so that it can draw the SLD accordingly. Tagging incommer also tells the busbar section to concider the rating of the switchgear for calculating the size of the main busbar. This is one of the features of the LT Electrical Control Panel Board Design Software Tool. Simply you can call it Electrical Panel Estimator.

For linking the switchgears with the top main bus bars you need to insert dropper or risers along side the columns. Also to connect the load cables you need a cable alley from where load cables can enter the electrical panel. This LT/LV Electrical Panel Board Design Software has the facility to insert Risers and Cable Allays on either side or both the side of each column. You can define the width of Riser or Cable Allay as per your requirements and insert the same. 

You can insert component like switchgears and accessories in the feeders or chamberss by clicking in the center of the feeder or chamber and then by right click you see a menus. From this menu you can select whether you want to insert switchgear or accessory. There are top 20 brand libraries in the LT Electrical Control Panel Design Software Tool. You can select any library to insert the component in the design. There are two major catagories of components - Switchgear & Accessory. Switchgear contains ACB, MCCB, MCB, COS, Isolator and SFU. Accessory contains all the panel items like indicators, meters, relays, selector switches, timers, fuses, links, connectors, knobs, hinges, locks, hardware items.Control & Power cables, Bus Bars are not part of accessory items.

When you insert a switchgear in a feeder or chamber its dimensions changes as per the dimensions of the switchgears inserted. If the wodth of switchgear is less than the width of chamber then it will reduce the width and vise a versa. If the height of the switchgera is more than the height of the chamber then it will increase the height of the chamber  and vise a versa. But the width of the chamber would be the maximum width of any of the chambers in a column. So the software LT Control Panel Board Design Software automatically adjusts the height and width of the chambers. Clearances like Left Clearance, Right Clearance, Top Clearance, Bottom Clearance, Front Clearance and Back Clearance are also the part of the feeder or chamber dimensions in a column and hence in the final dimensions of the electrical control panel. Default value are used by the software tool for calculating the size of the control panel board but you can modify the clearance value as per your requirement also.

All the components you add the panel design are considered as outgoing or connected with SLD circuit number one (SLD1). But you need to define an incomer so that the bus bar section can calculate the bus bar size and weight. So you can desfine any of the switchgear inserted as Incomer by pressing "Feeder Property". Same way all the component you add in a column help the bus bar section to calulate the Riser Bus Bar size and weight of that particular column. Links required to connect a switchgear with riser must be given a length. You can enter the link length by opening the "Bus Bar Report" from Reports menu. So the software tool LT Electrical Control Panel Design calculates the bus bar sizes for main bus bars, riser bus bars and links automatically.

The tool, LT Electrical Panel Board Design Software can be used to design Motor Control Center - MCC, Power Control Centre - PCC, Start Deta Starter Circuits, DOL - Direct On Line Starter Circuits, Power Factor Improvement Panels - APFC Panels, Desk Type Machine Control Panels, Industrial Process Automation Panels, PLC Based Control Panels, Industrial Automation Panels, PLC Automation Panels, Distribution Boards - DBs for residential, commercial establishments, Shopping Malls, Game Zones,  Restaurants & Hotels or any type of electrical panel board design for indoor installation or for outdoor installation.

With LT Electrical Panel Design Software Tool you can design any type of panel board. You can design the panel manually or automatically. In manual mode you will do every step manually. Add empty feeders, insert switchgears and accessories in feeders. Then you can add risers and cable allay in the panel as per your design requirements. You can move all the compoenets on the doors and inside the feeder to reposition them within feeder and door area, respectively. Panel builders will find thie LT Electrical Panel Design Software Tool very helpful for their panel board design needs.

Design your PLC Automation Panels with our LT Electrical Panel Estimator. Add the PLC, Contactors, Timers, OLR, Protections Devices in the Circuit Bucket Zone. Click Convert To Panel and and the base plate is ready with all the mounting components. This tool is capable of detecting the door mount components and base plate mount components. So it will show the base plate mounting components on the base plate and door mount components on the door only. You can move the components to the desired position. Set the width and height of the PLC Automation Panel. Add single door or two doors to your designed PLC Automation Panel. Colour seperately, panel body, base frame, doors, canopy (if added) with desired and required colors. 

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