Electrical Busbar Design
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Electrical Bus Bar Design
Busbar Chamber Design
Busbar Temperature Rise
Forces in Between Busbars


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Electrical Bus Bar is required in electrical panels and bus ducts for flow of electrical energy from one end to another end. Output loops can be taken out from the main bus bar as required for connecting different loads. The busbar conductor can be aluminum (Al) or copper (Cu). The size of the busbar or bus bar depands upon the load connected to the system, current density selection, derating factor, ambient temperature rise, permissible temperature rise. Suitable busbar spacers, bus bar insulators, bus bar supports are placed along with the busbar length to protect the bus bars from electromagnetic forces genarted around the busbars due to heavy currents flowing through the bus bars. These are required to stop vibrations in the busbars there by collapsing of system. Busbar in electrical panels can be placed upon top of panel in a busbar chamber. Riser bus bars or dropper busbars are  then used to connect various outgoing switchgears and feeders. Same way bus bars can also be placed in the middle of electrical panel and at the bottomof the panel.

Where as in big industries where power generation of incoming supply is far away from the main building then cables  or bus bar ducting is used to send supply to the utility area. The busbar ducts or bus bar chambers are made of MS Sheet of suitable gauge. Openings are provided with cover lids for taking out connections at different locations from the bus bar duct. Busbar ducts are more popular as we can take output prom any location.

Bus Bar designing and calculations must be done very accurately else it can create problems after installation & commissioning while running on load. Factors affecting the design & calculations of busbar conductor size are current density, derating factor, ambient temperature, permissible temperature rise, parallel runs, gap between phase to pahse bus bars, number of supports placed under the bus bars.

Bus bar ducts or busbar chambers are provided with temperature monitoring devices at different locations inside the chambers to continuously monitor the temperature within the busbar chamber. Softbitonline, New Delhi, India has launched a busbar design software tool to design bus ducts and bus bar. This is a very user friendly tool which can be used by electrical design engineers, electrical consultants, electrical panel board manufacturers.

Depanding upon the situation and location, type of loads, current carrying capacity the conductor of bus bars can be copper (Cu) or Aluminum (Al). Where there is no restriction of space we can use aluminum bus bars and busbar ducts. Where ever we have less space we use copper busbars and bus bar ducts. While calculating the size of bus bar and as a thumb rule we can consider 1 sq. mm of copper material of bus bar can withstand 1.2 Amp and 1 sq.mm of aluminum conductor of bus bar  can withstand 0.7 Amp current but other factors are also taken into consideration for safe working of power bus bar systems. Other parameters are calculated  using formulae both for copper and aluminum.

Points responsible for heat generation in a bus bar system or busbar duct or bus bar chanber are - overloading of the bus bars i.e.,. high current flow in the busbars, short circuit of bus bars resultinging in sudden high temperature rise, design irregularaty, under size material selected, poor connections, tightness of connections, poor ventilation also is a major cause of busbar heating and its damage. Electrical Bus Bar are very imporatnt and integral part of an electrical system where power is to be transmitted from one point to another.Busbars are used to carry current, taking out connections or tappings. Bus bars may be of copper oraluminum. A very careful design procedure is tobe followed to design the bus bars to avoide over  heating  resulting in the damage of system.

Temperature Rise in BusBars:
You can see the temperature rise in burbars with our software before you actually go for busbar calculations
. This will help you to check and reset the cross section of the bus bars to avaoid over heating of busbars which can dmage the busbars itself and panels.

 Forces Developed in Between BusBars:
Software helps to calculate and maintain proper gaps between parallel running bus bars to avoide vibrations developed due to electro magnetic forces developed in between busbars. You can use bus bar supports and busbar insulators at calculated and required gaps to avaoid unwanted and higher electro magnetic forces otherwise these will damage your busbar system.
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