WiFi /GSM/GPRS Enabled Remote Monitoring
Solar Water Pumps | Solar Power Plant
Solar Street Lights | Solar Inverter
Solar RMS | Solar Data Logger
Roof Top Solar Monitoring
Maharastra State Installations:
Data is directly sent to MSEDCL Server |
Andhra Pradesh State Installations:
Data is sent to NREDCAP Server |
Chhattishgar State Installtions:
VFD Controller/Solar Pump ON/OFF through SMS |
Ask For Any State/Customized RMS for any Solar Application |
Solar Energy
We generate electricity from hydro generators, gas turbines, diesel engines. In every case we have to spend money on the running cost of the prime mover. Solar power is a free power. It does not require any prime mover to generate electricity. Solar power generate electricity from the heat of the sun. So the running cost of a solar panel system is almost negligible.
Solar electricity & power is generated from solar panels which are made of small solar cells. These solar cells are connected in series to generate a required dc power to charge the batteries. Many solar panels installed together at a place form a solar farm. Initial cost of manufacturing and installing the solar panels & solar farms is high but these have almost negligible running cost. Solar panel generated electricity & power can be used everywhere. We can use the solar lights for street lighting purpose, solar power for running our agriculture pumps, solar power can run the fans in summers. So conventional form of generation of the electricity is being changed with solar systems. Electricity generated from a solar panel is much cheaper than other methods. Solar power generation is maintenance free. Once installed, the solar panel can generate electricity for 25 years and more.
Solar Inverter
Electricity generated from solar energy in the solar cells and solar panels is accumulated in DC batteries. In the day time these solar panels keep on charging the batteries till the sun is shining in the sky. At night we can use this electrical energy stored in the DC batteries. In case we are using small devices like 12VDC fan, LED lamp shade, battery operated TV etc., then we can directly connected these devices to the battery terminal. But in case our equipments are operating on 230 VAC then we need to convert the DC power of batteries into AC power. For converting DC into AC we need inverters. So electronic device which converter 12VDC (any dc voltage) to 230VAC (any value on ac volatge) supply is called an inverter and as here we are using this inverter with a solar battery so we call it a solar inverter. So a solar inverter can run a tube light, a solar inverter can run an AC fan, a solar inverter can run a water pump, a solar inverter can run a PC or TV, a solar inverter can run a fridge or air conditioner. Of course, we have to check the capacity of the solar inverter first before we connect it to a power equipment else the solar inverter may get damaged.
Solar PCU
Solar PCU stands for solar power control unit. It means a solar PCU is a device which has a built in solar inverter and an electro-mechanical or electronic mechanism to change-over the supply to an equipment from grid to solar or solar to grid. Generally, during day time the solar PCU connects our home/office equipments to grid system and keep the dc batteries on charging through solar panels. And at night the solar PCU connects the home/office equipments to solar power. In case of power failure during day time the solar PCU automatically switches over to solar power to keep the equipments running.
On Grid Solar Power Plant
In on grid solar power the power generated from a solar system is directly connected to grid or load there by reducing the electricity consumption on grid. No batteries are used here to store the solar generated electrical energy.
Off Grid Solar Power Plant
In off grid solar power the power generated from a solar system is first stored in dc batteries and then used (as and when required or at nights or during power failures) through solar inverters to feed home/office equipments.
Solar Street Lights
In remote villages where grid power is not available solar street lights are being installed. A solar street light consists of a solar panel, a pole, LED light fixture, battery, charge controller etc.,,. Solar Lights are being installed in cluster and each cluster having 2 to 100 solar lights. DC battery connected with the solar panel keeps charging during day time and at night the solar LED lights starts glowing through battery.
AC & DC Solar Water Pumps
Areas which are short of water and electricity is not available to operate water pumps from under ground water zone, solar water pumps are being installed. These pumps are specially designed to work on solar power. Two types of solar pumps are being used for irregation purpose viz. AC Solar Pumps and DC Solar Pumps. AC solar pumps are mainly used where the level of water is low and water
has to be lifted to much higher levels. So AC submercible pumps are used here with a solar VFD and a solar PV system. A DC Solar Pump is used where the water level is high and a very small uplift of water is required. As low uplift of water is required so small capacity dc pump can be used as compared to high cost AC pump which has to lift water to higher level because of low water level.
Solar Water ATMs
Water ATMs are being installed to sell water to villagers, JJ Clusters, Farmers on a concessional rates. More...
RMS For Every Solar Application
WiFi/GSM/GPRS Based Remote Monitoring of:
GSM/SPRS Enabled Solar RMS System:
-------------Fig: GPRS Enabled RMS For AC & DC Solar Water Pumps & Solar Inverters |
- RMS For Solar Street Lights
WiFi/GSM/GPRS based solar street lights are being installed in gulf zones and sun energy rich areas. We can set a central control room for monitoring the status of these solar street lights. For this we need to install WiFi/GSM/GPRS/RF based controllers in each solar street light. The data like battery voltage and dc load current can be transmitted to the central control room through the WiFi/GSM/GPRS/RF controllers/RTUs. This way we can see the status of each solar street light, battery condition from a central location and can take immediate action in case of a fault.
- RMS For AC Solar Water Pumps (With or Without SD Card)
Output of solar panels is directly connected with a VFD and to a solar water
pump. A WiFi/GPRS/GSM based RMS is installed with the VFD to collect data and transmit that data to a remote central server. We can have a live monitoring of status of solar water pump working, water flow rate, electrical parameters. This monitoring can be done through a web interface from any where in the world. One can monitor the location of solar water pump on Google map, generate daily reports with time stamp, set SMS alerts (optional), do remote switching of solar water pump from a mobile (optional) or computer. We are supplying special customized GPRS enabled RMS for Maharashtra state, Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh state. RMS with and without SD card facility. Pump ON/OFF through SMS. Get Pump status on your mobile phone. Ask for anu customized solution for RMS.
- RMS For Solar Inverters (Roof Top Solar)
Solar inverter is used to convert DC power generated by solar cells/panel to convert it into AC power. This AC power is essentially required to run household AC equipments like fans, lights, computers, air conditioner etc.,. Remote monitoring of solar inverter (Roof Top Solar System) is done to check its working, health, power generation etc., from a central control room. A WiFi enabled remote monitoring system is more suitable for solar inverters as almost every location will have a WiFi enabled internet connection. Wwe can provide you a WiFi enabled remote monitoring system and a GSM/GPRS enabled remote monitoring system for solar inverters (Roof Top Solar) and PVs.
- Solar Power Plants
Multiple solar panels & inverters are installed to generate electrical power for towns and cities. Each inverter and solar panel can be monitored for its performance through a remote monitroing system at a central location. We can provide you a WiFi/GSM/GPRS enabled remote monitoring system for such applications.
For more information on WiFi/GSM/GPRS based controllers /RTUs /RMS /Data Logger for solar street lights, solar water pumps and solar inverters and grids
please call on:
+91 9899445761 / 9899445765 or email at
Softbitonline can provide solar RMS for Crompton VFD, solar RMS for Delta VFD, solar RMS for INVT VFD, solar RMS for ABB VFD, solar RMS for Siemens VFD, solar RMS for Lorentz DC pumps, solar RMS for Geundfos pumps & controllers, solar RMS for FUJI VFD, solar RMS for Kirloskar VFD. We can also provide solar RMS for SunGrow Inverter, solar RMS for Delta inverter, solar RMS for UTL inverters.
Softbitonline Quick Reference: |
Management of the vehicular parking is necessary in all the cities around the world. Proper parking management is a major problem. Earlier, only manual sliding or swing doors were used that were cheap and required low maintenance. However, in modern parking systems utilization of automatic gates is done. The logical controllers and web SCADA applications can be used for automatic parking, operation and control of the parking area and gates. Automatic ticket dispensers can also be set up at the entry gates of the premises and in residential complexes, buildings or bungalows. Softbitonline offers logical controllers, GSM/GPRS/RF based RTUs and web SCADA applications for wireless monitoring and operation of the automatic car parking systems. We design and manufacture GSM/GPRS/RF based RTUs and logical controllers for making car parking systems automatic. Since these logical controllers and RTUs are wireless and GSM/GPRS based, the operator can monitor and control them from the central control room using a computer. The user can also monitor the area using their mobile phones that would receive data from the GSM/GPRS/RF based RTUs attached to the field device. We also provide customised web SCADA software applications that are compatible with the logical controller or the hardware. Our web SCADA software for car parking, gates and security is completely web based and requires no installation. You can access it using a web browser. Therefore, monitoring and control can be done from any location. This GPRS/GSM based logical controller and web-based SCADA system cut the maintenance costs and increases the device’s uptime. Real-time data can be fetched using our internet based SCADA system. SMS alerts can be also set for 5 user selected registered mobile number. Our SCADA system is fully secured and can only be accessed by the registered user. The user has to login using his/her account name and password to access the data. Our wireless data loggers/RTUs have been installed in effluent treatment plants, pole mount sub stations, for remote energy management, water quality monitoring, pump house automation, energy saving systems, water flow monitoring, wireless energy monitoring, solar power and wind energy monitoring. Wednesday, 1 May 2019 (May 1, Two Thousand Nineteen) Indian Standard Time 13:45 PM, Second Half.
More About Solar Energy:
Solar Energy - A renewable and never ending source of energy. Solar energy - available in abundance every where. Solar enrgy - Sun is the main source of this free energy. Solar energy - use it to get your water hot. Solar energy - convert it into electrical energy. Solar energy - use it to reduce your power bills. Solar energy - generate it and sell it by connecting to a grid. Solar energy - to ligh up your sweet homes. Solar energy - to pump out water for farmers in agri-fields. Solar energy - use it to conserve our electrical energy. Solar energy - store it to use it in future. So solar energy can be used anywhere where grid power is not available or where uninterupted continuous source of electrical energy is required to run a field instrument. China has done a lot in solar energy field by developing even toys which run on solar energy. We are solar system integrator.
Solar energy can be genearted through solar cell which are made of slenium. When sun light falls on these solar cells a flow a current is seen in the solar panel having multiple solar cells connected in series. In series the output voltage of each cell gets added up to give sufficiant source of DC supply. This DC supply is then connected to a DC battery which keeps on charging during day time.
A charge controller is connected in the circuit to disconnect the battery grom getting over charged and if the available solar energy is not sufficient to charge the battery. So the battery is connected to a grid in this case.
To get the maximum output from the solar energy the solar panels are installed on solar trackers so as to keep the face of solar panels facing direct solar energy or maximum solar energy. These solar trackers are fully automatic and are fixed with solar sensors. The solar trackers can be single axis or double axis so as to adjust with the direct sun rays.
All over the word state govts are encouraging, residential, commercial and industrial units to install there own solar panels to generate solar energy and hence solar power. The solar enrgy can be genearted by installing the solar panels on roof tops in big cities which find shortage of open spac at ground level. So many govt. sector companies, corpoarte group, residential socities have come forward to use solar energy to get electrical energy. Govt. is giving subsidies for installing the solar energy panels to encourage the people. Solar system integrator.
So many enterprenures have come forward and stared manufacturing, installation and commissioning of solar enery panels to generate electricity. Govt is also taking interest to provide solar lights in remote villages where grid electricity is not available or far away to reach. Apart from solar lights, solar water pumps are also being installed in remote vollages to help farmers to get watre for irregation. solar power plants are also being installed in industries.
Solar energy/power generated from solar panels is converted to ac power through inverters. These inverters then are used for running ac loads such as ACs, solar lights, solar pumps. Now a days we find solar powered inverter at our homes and offices. These are dual type inverters which operate on ac mains as well as on solar energy. Future of solar energy or solar power is vast. We can expect cars and trucks running on solar energy as sattelite in the sky are already using solar energy to work. Solar system integrator.
When we are spending huge amouts on solar energy /solar power, we also need to monitor the appropriate use of this energy. So GPRS based RTUs are being installed with solar street lights and solar water pumps. This way you can monitor all the installed solar energy based street lights and pumps from a central control room. Immediate action can be taken in case of any trouble. A SIM card ir required to communicate with the centarl server and to send alert SMS in case of malfunctioning of solar lights and solar water pumps. In a solar energy based system we generally monitor the battery volatge and battery current. This helps in finding the condition of battery - fully charged, partially charged, load condition - working or not. So in solar energy based system remote monitoring of dc battery volatge and battery current is very important. We can also calculate the total power consumption by the the load by multiplying dc volatge x dc current. Solar system integrator.
Our GPRS enabled remote monitoring systems are already being used with Delta inverters, SunGrow solar inverters, Zevar solar inverters, Fuji solar inverters, Siemens solar inverters, ABB solar inverters, INVT solar inverters, Crompton Greaves solar inverters. We ahve supplied GPRS RMS i.e., remote monitoring systems for INVT VFD and solar water pumps, Delta VFD and solar water pumps, Crompton VFD and solar water pumps, ABB VFD and solar water pumps, SIEMENS VFD and solar water pumps MITSUBISHI VFD and solar water pumps, YASKAWA VFD and solar water pumps. We can design and configure of GPRS RMS systems to work with any solar VFD, solar inverter and solar power plant.
As state level Govt. is giving subsidies to install solar power plants for small application like a solar water pump to big application like to run an industry on a solar power plant.
There is a huge scope in agriculture sector to install solar water pumps for farmers. As grid power in not available at all places in India so loacllized power to run solar water pumps is being generated by installing solar water pumps. This way farmers can get enough water for irregation as and when required. They can run their solar water pump as and when required and store water in the overhead water tank to be sued for drinking, house hold applications, farming etc.,. The solar water pumps installed are being monitored through a GPRS enabled remote monitoring systems (RMS) to check the working and performance of solar water pumps. This way monitoring of solar water pump and solar inverter helps in quick maintenance of solar systems.
When we fetch data from a solar inverter or a solar VFD or a solar pump controller it is sent to a central server for monitoring and storage of data for analysis and study. Now for live monitoring we need a SCADA software or a web based SCADA interface. The SCADA software or web based SCADA is an interface between the server and end user to get data from the server in encoded formate and SCADA decodes the data received from the server for display, monitoring and control. So we always need a SCADA application software or a web based SCADA to monitor the data received from a solar VFD or solar inverter. 17082017.
Remote monitoring of solar inverter is necessarily required as to check its performance. Remote monitoring of solar inverter is required to see how much power it has generated in a day. Remote monitoring of solar inverter is must to check how many hours it has worked in a day. Remote monitoring of solar inverter is required to see if the end user is getting power un interrupted. Remote monitoring of solar inverter is required to get data on a server and to store the data for analysis and report generation. Remote monitoring of solar inverter is must to provide immediate service in case of failure of solar inverter. Remote monitoring of solar inverter is must for providing remote support to the inverter instantly. Remote monitoring of solar inverter can be done by installing a GPRS/GSM enabled RMS system. Remote monitoring of solar inverter helps in finding its location of working. 18082017.
In remote vollages where there is no electricity govt. agencies are installing solar street lights. A small 12V PV module is fitted on the top of the solar street light pole along with a battery and charge controller. The solar PV keeps the battery charged during day time and at night this battery is used to light up an LED solar street light. A very economical GSM/GPRS enabled remote monitoring system is being installed with each solar street light to check the daily working and performance of the solar street light. A solar SCADA is installed on a central control room PC to monitor the working of all solar street light. An immediate action is taken to repair the defective solar street light. 19082017.
A solar VFD is used to run a solar water pump that is mainly used for irregation purpose. The solar VFD mainly has three parts i.e., solar charge controller, MMPT and an inverter that converte solar DC voltage into AC voltage. The solar charge controller maintains a nominal required preset volatge to be fed to inverter circuit. The MPPT, called maximum power point technology that utilized an embedded theoretical furmauls to get maximum PV volatge at different time spans of a day. The VFD provides minimal volatge and minimal frequency to start the solar pump motor so as to minimize its starting torque and heavy in rush of current thus saving the solar pump motor from heating up and damage. With increase in frequency, the supply volatge increases to solar pump motor and we get increased full speed. A GSM/GPRS enabled RMS or remote monitoring system is connected with the VFD to monitor its working and performance from a central control room through a web based SCADA. Any malfucntion observed on SCADA is immediately rectified by sending a service team at site of solar water pump.
TCP/IP communication protocols are used to communicate with the field RTU. Then a web SCADA is used to monitor the live data. The data may be related with the machine temperature, vibrations, pressure, flow etc.,. User can see the location of the machine on the Google map, generate daily reports in MS Excel format for further transmission through email to different departments for review. 06122022